Wednesday, March 23, 2011

R.I.P. Ms Taylor

Got out of the shower today to the GMA news announcing Elizabeth Taylor's passing earlier this morning. My immediate thought was one of disbelief, truly I was just stunned to hear this. No one gets out of this gig alive, however,my nutty brain has pigeon-holed ideas and expectations. And my expectation is that some people never grow old or die. Ms. Taylor fell into both categories. I don't know why, other than she was possibly the first 'movie star' that grabbed my attention and while I would see a photos of her over the years and it was clear that she was in fact getting older ~ I was apparently in denial - if she was getting older than so was I. Clearly this is just wrong.

My first memory of her was the big news story that she and Richard Burton made during the filming of Cleopatra...she and Burton's love affair was scandalous. It was on the TV and in the Seattle Times newspaper! It was "sinful"... Both were married to other people and they carried it out in public, relatively unheard of in the 1960's. Loads of tongue-wagging for sure...even today their love affair/relationship is considered over-the-top, which is saying a lot given the Brad & Anjolie coverage, Lindsay Lohan's quarterly front page headlines and the daily rantings of one Charlie Sheen.

I admire her creation and work on behalf of the American Aids Foundation, and it never occurred to me that she was politically on the right until she married (and helped get a Senate seat ) John Warner. Truthfully, I did not see that coming.

I do remember some of the Barbara Walter interviews that have, over the years, given us a window into who she really was off the silver screen, brawdy humor and all. Having been married more than once myself I understand that path all too well ~ however, she never seemed to have gotten that role down - I rather like that about her. She too was imperfect in ordinary, common ways. And yet she was extraordinarily beautiful...

Thank you Ms. Taylor for leaving us with memories of glamor, style and class...I have not seen all of her films - think I will see what is now available at the library. Heaven awaits your arrival, may you not be disappointed in who is or isn't there. You really were a 'Dame' in every sense of the word.

Dame Elizabeth Taylor rest in peace.


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