Monday, March 07, 2011

Books, books, books - in love with good books

I read. I love to read. I have been a reader for as long as I can remember. The first book I remember consciously reading was a Nancy Drew Mystery. I was enthralled with her skill as a teen detective and I read all of the books at the time, beginning with The Mystery of the Ivory Charm. At some point I  read a story about Florence Nightingale and for a good long while, I wanted to be a nurse- that is until I discovered I can't control my gag reflex around body fluids, especially other peoples.

Books saved me. They eased a troubled child's world, befriended her in ways that have, over the years  been a source of comfort. I used it as an escape then and even today I can be transported to a foreign country, or get my adrenaline pumping in anticipation of a murder that is about to happen or the apprehension of a killer.

But I recently I discovered the books by Stieg Larsson and  obsessively read all three of them, in about 10 days. And because the author died shortly after these were published, no more Lisbeth Salander. Now I'm pissed. She was a great protagonist...clearly the 3rd book was left with an opening for the next book and further adventures. Now what? (Of course, for about 3 mins I took this personally.)

Although I love to read and my selection is rather eclectic, I enjoy many different genres - from non-fiction historical books - to sci-fi mystery/thrillers that has a band of witches, faeries and vampires as protagonists - to biographies/autobiographic novels. And I adore finding a series of books-requiring me to start at the beginning with the very first book in the series.

Somewhere around 1990 I discovered female detectives and the women who write them -giving them breathe on the page. I now have a long list of women authors who write mystery/thrillers with female detectives that I follow, religiously. One of those is Dana Stabenow and her heroine Kate Shugak, a Alaskan Eskimo -  it's a brilliantly written series. Check out the link above. I find Kate to be a strong, intelligent and brave woman fighting crime within the beauty of the Alaskan wilderness. Sharp read. I'll leave you with this author, but will come back with others in the coming months.

Along with books, I also love libraries. Libraries make me happy. I feel safe in a library. I know how to find a book using the Dewey Decimal many teens today can say that?

1 comment:

  1. Patricia4:17 PM

    I too my sister love reading. Greg and I must have over 3000 books. I am trying to read each and every one. When we commuted we would listen to books on tape, great way to share with your loved one and be able to discuss it after.
    At one point Greg was so obsessed with purchasing books that we bought MANY on Ebay and we went to garage sales EVERY weekend!
    There are a variety of genres but I most like mysteries. I have read every Ed McBain there is and also Robert B. Parker. (Both passed from this mortal coil..... so I will not be able to get my kicks from them.)
    Best to you and yours.
    Safe Trip home.
