Saturday, April 09, 2011

my new ride....on the road to fit-ness

recent posts by yours truly have been focusing on my need/desire/search to get back into a regular fitness routine. this one will as well. there are a multitude of reasons. among them is my desire to ward off the encroaching "love handles", age inertia/limitations, and to just feel better. physically one could say i am a mess, at least structurally.

i have spinal degeneration going on, specifically in my upper back/neck area that regular chiropractic care, over the last 35+ years, has helped me maintain an active lifestyle. being active was and continues to be important, even through periods of yoga, aerobics, weight training, running, pilate's. there was also periods of inactivity...when i went back to school to finish getting my college degree, and the 5 - yes 5, knee surgeries and the subsequent periods of recovery from them. no more running for me, ever. i could be all sad about that, but frankly - running sucks. didn't like it as a teenager, didn't really love it as an adult, but it did get the workout done faster - and no, i never got the runner's high. whatever that is! and  at one point in my 20's i had a road bike, until the partying got to be more fun then the bike...but that is another story.

last spring i found new solutions through Dr. Arnot and his team. intense appointments with ice, stretches and adjustments soon got me stabilized. even with a nasty fall last july 17th and my sprained wrist got attended to...then i left town for 4 months and even though i was diligent about doing my daily stretches and exercises, i came home a mess, albeit not a huge mess - finding myself getting treated each week. hence the search for regular fitness...building core strength and maintaining flexibility. in all these years not one of my many chiropractic physicians (there have been 6 not counting the current one) had a team to assist in designing a program to help stabilize until now.

can't run, but no one has suggested i can't ride.

my new ride
sooooo - yesterday we got our new mountain bikes - they are really cross trainers with fat trail riding for this one, but they will come in handy while we winter somewhere warm and dry.

isn't she pretty?
so fitness is part of who i am. (along with the fat girl that lives inside my head, screeching to be let out.)
i think i'll punish her more once i get a helmet - then i'll be ready to go!


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