Sunday, July 25, 2010

mixed bag

it's a mixed bag of nuts and flakes today...too hot to be outside and yet i feel pulled to be out in my garden digging up weeds. and i have oh, so much to do inside too, none of which i find at all interesting or compelling...i'm basically very lazy - in spurts that is. there are all those books to sort through, pack up and determine when to visit powell's again, stitching to do, rearrange the office to accommodate all of the storage boxes i have for needlepoint threads and fibers, laundry (ugh) and lastly, i guess i could "clean" something - eek~! - no mystery there as there is always something in need of a sponge, dust rag or mop.

there's also the writing i want to capture...books to read, internet to explore, and just basic daydreaming....boy i can get distracted by shining objects pretty quickly.

my oldest niece is on her way to Alaska on a cruise ship out of Seattle...her husband took her as a 40th birthday (btw, Kev - her birthday is in September) gift...wish i had the self confidence to celebrate mine early(...I stopped last year with 60! ) i'm thinking she is going to see some pretty amazing landscapes over the next week. cruises to specific locales - Caribbean, Greek Isles and Alaska are on my list...however, i have no desire to go down along Mexico from either coast.

have this new acquaintance - Stephanie - amazingly beautiful, quirky and funny in a way that i have longed yearned to be and have yet to pull off. she is living her life 'large' for sure. new friendships are similar to having a new beau...road testing takes a few outings to assimilate - but she inferred that i had nice 'energy'...which i do, so this is just the beginning of a new and fun friendship. i love that she has a sense of humor about herself, we both share dysfunctional childhoods and crazy-as-bed-bugs parents...and siblings that we can't seem to disown quietly (for their i.q.s haven't acknowledged the overt signs.). surf's up girlfriend!

until we can coffee clutch again have a great week.

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