Today is Sunday, November 1...it didn't start out as previous Sundays, where I would call Joyce up and talk to her for 30 minutes about what was going on in her world.
Mike and I have had the really sad and thankless chore of going to Albuqueque, NM and close up his mom's home. Joyce Deal was an amazingly strong, independent, stubborn as a mule, life long Democrat, kind and generous soul who crossed over on Oct 22, 2009. While her passing eased her pain - she left a hole in the heart of my man Mike. I saw him cry, for the first time in 12 years, the night the boys spread her ashes on Sandia Mountain. We flew home the next day... heavy in heart but thankful that her time in pain was so very short. and we are grateful for that.
It's cold and sunny out today, and I was able to spend a few minutes outside clearing yard debris and planting garlic. My chest cold limited my energy level and so I limited my time--there is so very much to do. I am hoping that next weekend will be at least dry. Tomatoes need to be pulled out of the ground, trumpet vine needs to be cut back, leaves need to be gathered up and put to the curb. The 8x8 needs to be readied for next spring's plantings.
I am tired of this chest cold, the hacking, sneezing and lost of my voice has really lost it's allure.
I LOVE the Fall - it's my favorite time of the year, my birthday, the trees are changing as one can denote from the attached images of our street. Even in the rain the trees remain colorful and happy! Yes, I took that picture while driving....ok, ok, I know if it's not so smart to use your phone to call or text, it must be equally disturbing to the on coming drivers to see someone aiming a Kodak! (I probably won't stop)
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