Mutterings, musings and other trivia as I walk the Planet in search of a great cup o'jo, divine chocolate cake, mirth and merriment ....
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Another word for freedom....
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Summer has arrived early! It got to the low 90’s this week with no rain in sight…Rose Festival and the parade usually brings rain but so far, not a drop. The photos are from late April early May when most of it was just beginning to bloom…I’ll add a June 2 photo soon just to see the difference….
The birdhouse hanging from the arbor is the home of 2 BlackCapped Chickadees and their newborns! Oh my gosh, it is so fun watching them fly in with food and out again in search of it! I love my yard! I saw a Monarch butterfly today, cut 5 gorgeous Billy Graham roses for the dining room...the hummingbirds are stopping by the rose arbor, the foxglove and fire pokers as well as the feeders we have's great, but just too early for the heat wave that we have going on....
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
World Hunger - World Peace

This photo is from "".... I visit this sight each day and click on the bar to add my cup of food to the daily total, (Behavioral reward system of training definitely in place here) then I head to the breast cancer tab and click there for a 'free mammogram' for some low-income woman, then to the literacy tab, click and I've sent a book to a child.... I haven't yet succumbed to the rainforest and animal rescue tabs....but I started with just the hunger tab and look where I am today!!! I click on hunger because I can not imagine what it must be like to be hungry, truly-unbelievably-rack-o-bones-dying from lack of food in a world of plenty. I now click on breast cancer because my family has experienced that and it is treatable if one can be screened and in this man's world --- where males are, by simply being males - entitled to many health insurance covered screenings/tests/exams that women are still unable to obtain unless they have extremely good insurance --- and if they suffer from breast cancer, lose a breast or die from it BECAUSE they couldn't afford the screening, then SHAME on US (as in the United States of America) I click the bar. I've just recently started clicking on the literarcy tab because I believe education is the key to self-empowerment....for EVERYONE....not just white european males, but white/black/brown/red, males/females, rich/poor or in-between. I can not imagine my life without books...knowledge is power, but books can take you anywhere you want to go, regardless of where you are when you read them. When I was a child, books were my escape from a childhood filled with horrors, in the middle of the night - I was Nancy Drew and Clara Barton (civil war nurse). As I got older I saw the horrors of racial tension and divide in our nation through the eyes of Southern blacks (oh, to rember the title of that book- I'll remember)
Sorry, I digress. The point of the photo at the time is the saying - "It is not enough to win a war; it is more important to organize the peace" - Aristolte....a brilliant man....organize peace - if that were the simple thing to do in today's world...currently the government is lead by a man who can not string a coherent sentence together on his own....the man is an the news reported more soldiers killed in Iraq. When will it end?
We have absolutely no business fighting a war in Iraq or any place else. Why are there not more people speaking out about the war and the need to bring these boys home....? Why is the news playing it down?
I say, lets organize peace here at home and keep our sticky fingers out of the country pie somewhere we not already have enough problems to resolve right here at home?
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
My kids - the cats.....
Lucy- sunny herself, of course.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
since I work I tape a couple of daytime shows that I can cruise through at night...The View, and Oprah every day ( that is until summer when every day is a repeat of something I have already seen), and today I watched Oprah's Thursday show on "Best Life" weight loss style. She had her trainer Bob Greene on, and they had selected 6 people who wanted to lose weight. I mention this only because, not only was I once overweight (and according to the experts that were talking I was most likely obsese) but each time I watch a show about losing weight I learn something new about myself. Today it was: "lies we tell ourselves" - for some reason that resonated with me. Now I have been on the lean side of my lifestyle makeover for close to 35 years. That is with one exception 15 years ago or so when I was suffering from CF and had gained about 35 lbs....which I was able to take off over a period of time once my symptoms eased. And I gain and lose the same 5 lbs every year...because I get lazy and I 'lie' to myself about the food I put in my mouth.
So, the point is - today I realized that while my basic lifestyle is healthy and I eat reasonably well most days, I LIE to myself at least every day. I purchased Dr. Oz's book "You on a Diet" because I have about 10-15 pounds that I would really like to shed. It's the 10-15 pounds of muscle weight that has turned to soft tissue (my term for flab) and I don't really have the motivation to make it muscle, so I just want it gone. Now, I am not overweight, but then I am a chronic malcontent, and have NEVER liked my body..... but I am now just not interested in spending the 60 minutes/5 days a week lifting weights to get it back. Oh, I exercise, but it is not even close to what I once did....which really was just hiding out at the gym. Now I have a life that is interesting and fun..... Back to the book...basically they ask you to give up 'white' - white flour, white rice, white sugar(well there is a lot more, but you get the idea, if not, go buy the book)....the first two are easy....but that small chocolate kiss that I stuff into my face follows the LIE - "ONE WON'T HURT" ----- and that's the lie....because it is never one and it does hurt. Because I end up not trusting my behavior.
So it's the little lies that establishes on-going behavioral isn't the 'i can't lose weight' or 'i'm big boned' or blah, blah, blah....I tell myself that this one little bite won't hurt - and the next one and the next one and the next one-----soon those little bites add up to the 10 lbs I want to shed....dang! So now I have to decide to either stop lying and tell the truth or accept the weight that I carry and stop all the b.s. ..... it was such a light bulb moment!
And that was true about the cigs I use to smoke, the alcohol I use to drink, the marijuana I once inhaled and the list of other recreational drugs that I would injest....since I stopped telling myself lies around those, life has gotten oh so much better. I am a different person, and my life is really fabulous....for the most part extremely fabulous. But I had to stop telling the lies, at least about the chocolate kisses.
I have started two, no three new needlepoint projects in the past 2-3 weeks. Sometime over the next couple of days I'll post photos of the projects. Today I got the newest one sewn onto the dowels for it's frame....I love starting new projects....and no, they are not all the same. One is a rug, another will be a pillow that I will give away, the other is a rather large picture of a clown juggling some balls that I just adore and will frame once it's done and the last one is a small ornament (one of the 12 days of Christmas designs) that I am planning on appliquing into small red stockings to decorate the hallway with...I'm halfway through the series...
Blessings to you....imagine peace - especially where there is conflict....
Friday, February 23, 2007
I met the real Prince Charming
what a day I had today... oy! We had a real life celebrity in our building----Princess' Brides very own Prince Charming! He was here to meet with our Darfur desk people to see how he could help raise $$$ for our programs. Actually, I thought he would be taller! Had I passed him on the street I wouldn't have had a clue...of course he was semi-disguised....glasses, a hat pulled down over his forehead, but I probably wouldn't have recognized him....he's very, very nice and ever the gentleman....but honestly....sits down every day just like I and oh so many others in the world. Yes, he was humble, he acknowledged his blessings, - and thankfully he is quite aware of the cult following and he did stand still long enough to have his photo taken with the two women that work in our offices-which means he remembers that he makes his living as an actor and has fans who gush.....I think my total lack of fuss caused him to pause. Really! He came back twice to thank me and to ask for my card....I hope that he is successful in the concerts that he is planning and that his word about wanting to raise the money will make it all the more successful for those who truly need the aid.
Have you been surfing the web of late? Have you fed the hungry? Clothed the poor? Saved a dog/cat or rainforest today? Here's your chance - - they'll even send you a daily email to remind you to "CLICK" and give for free!!!! GO - DO- CLICK- Be grateful for the blessings you have.....
More news about the hollywood un-grateful - Mrs. Federline needs to grow up! And no I'm not being mean, maybe she is having a post-partum break it in private and get yourself some help......
And someone should get a court order mandating that idiot judge in Florida to take a breathe....hopefully his last 15 minutes of fame are now gone.
Can we just please bring our troops home. Say a prayer - will ya.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Slacker [cough, cough] slacker....
I love my work, my colleagues and the mission we work under....amazing, the human spirit.
I am challenged every day and although I have much to learn, it is an ongoing challenge and I arrive each day ready to work. This will be my last position in the world of some point in the distant - within 5 years - I will retire, to write. Not clear yet as to what I will write, but that's what I want to do....maybe travel and write about that....but write I shall.
Fall slipped away from me into the dark, cold realm of winter. Some cozy fires inside, but our living room just is not cozy. Something drastic needs to be done to make it so, but I 'm not financially able to complete that task until Mike goes back to work.
Winter just sorta slipped in and out. We had a month of really cold, cold weather but that was pretty much it. Oh, we did have some snow to work from home which was totally great!
Spring is just peeking out in my makes me so very happy to see what is going to bloom in just a matter of days, and will continue to burst forth from the ground over the next few weeks and months...
The only other stuff stuck in my head at the moment is the insanity that is called "news" right now. Ohmygod the fuss that is being made about Ms. Britany Spears shaving her head.....this is hair, people! Hair that will grow back! There are so many really deep and troubling issues in the world today and we take time, energy and effort to not only show pictures, but write articles and have 'news @ 6pm' about a bald 25 year old. Get over it....she is just being 25 and not too mature! Yes, it's sad, is a desperate cry for sad. Now can we please move on to arresting predatory child molesters, feed the hungry here and all the world, restore the homes and livelihoods of New Orleans.....maybe work towards peace in the Middle East?
Ms.Spears, I do not care that you shaved your head. Good for you, now stop be so self absorbed and do something for someone else. There I said it!