Place an X by all the things you've done, or remove the X from the ones (over your entire life)
you have not, and send it to all of your friends (including Me). Copy this whole thing and then paste onto a new email to send out to
This is for your entire life:Smoked a cigarette - packs and packs of them
Drank so much you threw up - yup
Crashed a (boyfriend's or girlfriends car) - merely dented one side from wheelwell to wheelwell
Stolen a car – Nah…
Been in love – several times –
mostly unsuccessfullyBeen dumped - see above
Been laid off/fired – yes to both
Quit your job -
YESBeen in a fist fight - NO
Snuck out of your parent's house. – Oh yeah
Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back –
look back several questions….Gone on a blind date –
once was enoughLied to a friend but only to spare their feelings - sadly yes
Skipped school – yes
Seen someone die -
again, sadly yes
Been to Canada - yes
Been to Mexico - yes
Been on a plane - yes
Been lost - Never
Been on the opposite side of the country - yes
Gone to Washington, DC – see above!
Swam in the ocean yes
Felt like dying... often enough to not want too
Cried yourself to sleep - yes
Played cops and robbers - long, long, long ago
Recently colored with crayons – if dry erasers count, then yes
Sang karaoke -
omygawd NODone something you told yourself you wouldn't - of course - as a fool
in loveMade prank phone calls – ditto above….
Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose – see Q# 3 -
Caught a snowflake on your tongue – oh yes
Danced in the rain - yes, yes, & yes
Written a letter to Santa Claus - yes
Been kissed under the mistletoe - yes
Watched the sun rise with someone you care about -
YESBlown bubbles - YES
Made a bonfire on the beach - X
Gone roller-skating/blading - X
Ice-skating - X
Been skydiving – loved it! what a rush!
1 Any nicknames? No.
2. Mothers name? Phyllis
3. What is your favorite drink? Iced coffee
4 Tattoos? Yes
5 Body piercing? Yes, left ear pieced 6 times/right ear 5 times
6 How much do you love your job? right now I tolerate my job as a temporary worker bee in a large corporation - hence my desire to find happiness and fullfilment in the not for profit (NGO) sector....
7 Birthplace: Seattle, WA
8 Favorite vacation spot: Italy
9 Ever been to Africa? No
10 Ever steal any traffic signs? NO
11 Ever been in a car accident? Yes
12 Doors 2 or 4 Doors? 4 – however I would prefer 2
13 Favorite Salad dressing? : Bleu Cheese
14 Favorite cake? German Chocolate or Angel Food
15 Favorite Number? 3
16 Favorite movie? Too many to narrow the list
17 Favorite holiday? Christmas
18 Favorite food? Pasta or Risotto
19 Favorite day of the week? Sunday
20 Favorite brand of body soap? Dove
21 Favorite TV show? Grey's Anatomy, Injustice, Boston Legal, etc
22 FavoriteToothpaste? Sensodyne
23 Favorite smell? for perfumes? Givenchy
24 What do you do to relax? Read, watch TV, needlepoint
25 Message to your friends reading this? Wish we could get together more often.
26 How do you see yourself in 10 years? Retired and traveling the country as a snowbird
27 What chores bore you? Dusting, cleaning the bathroom although I know it needs to be done.
28 What do you enjoy receiving? Flowers
29 Furthest place you will send this message? East Coast by email, the globe by my blog!
I wonder what your answers might be???? I got this in a recent email and thought that I would share mine with the world.